Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Sound

P.S.  When you are missing sitting in the Gatorwaka listening to the radio with Mark and everyone, you can always tune in online to The Sound,
- m ; )

Last Good Pies: Safe Travels! – August 4th

Outside the dorms before heading off to the Lincoln Midwinter Market
Lincoln Midwinter Market
Last pies and flat whites at Hillyers
Our class left this afternoon for the long flights back to Florida with a few stopping off in other points in the Southern Hemisphere before making their way across the Pacific (but not before taking in the Lincoln Mid-Winter Market and some pies and flat whites at Hillyers, and some of them feeling their first atershock).  May all the journeys home be safe and not too tiring.  We miss you already!

Of note, the Gatorwaka (our 12-seater van) traversed 2,782 kilometers across the South Island of New Zealand.  This translates into 1,728 miles in just under five weeks before being returned.  Whew! Let is know that you got back to Florida safely! - m&m

The Gatorwaka
Last JCP pose at airport

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Journey Home and Beyond - August 3rd

Our Iwi
Kia Ora! Having been immersed in Kiwi and Maori culture for the past five weeks will make the journey back to American culture another adventure.  Our students will take with them lasting memories of the challenges and opportunities of what not only New Zealand faces, but what the rest of the world faces as well.  Preserving biological diversity, conserving resources, and maintaining a balance between natural and human built environments are key to a sustainable future.  And, it will take all of us with our diverse backgrounds to come together in many different ways to help make lasting change for a bright future.

Dear students, we hope that what you have experienced with us in New Zealand will help shape the decisions you make for our future in exciting and positive ways.  We thank you for giving of yourselves openly with your hearts and minds so that our time together could be such a special learning opportunity for us all.  We have really enjoyed being with all of you, touring the wop-wops, and sharing a daily cuppa. Sweet As!

From the land of the long white cloud, safe and happy travels!  See you in the land of the flowers (La Florida).  With a Hongi and hug to each of you, m&m

A time of celebration and good memories – August 3rd

While it was a free day, much of it was spent finishing course journals and the slide show and preparing for the last get together at night in nearby Prebbleton.  We gathered together the students, lecturers, and friends - all essential in making our adventures successful and fun!  With thanks, we celebrated our time together and enjoyed the slide show of our New Zealand experience.  Collectively, we probably took over 10,000 photos in the past few weeks.  Some of us took over 1,000 in just one day.  Needless to say, creating a slideshow that captured the essence of our special time together is daunting.  We chose to go with basics and a few good laughs sprinkled in.

Not wanting to think about going home, we relived memorable times together over the last five weeks.  Again, special thanks to our students for diving into our adventures with great enthusiasm, our guest lecturers for sharing their time and expertise, and our friends and families for their support. Our time together, will be cherished.
Cheers, Mark and Meryl

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Life among the animals, giving poi a go, and a hangi - August 2nd

Tuatara, a living fossil!
Thursday afternoon we experienced Willowbank Reserve.  Willowbank cares for New Zealand wildlife that occurs both naturally in the country as well as species that are part of the country's history (i.e., species that were introduced by colonists over time).  Some of these species are domestic such as chickens and horses, others have become pest species such as wallabies and possums.  The park seeks to educate residents and visitors as to the heritage and challenges New Zealand's animal species bring to the table.  Our tour also included native New Zealand species where we saw our first Tuatara, Kiwi, Takahe, and Morepork. We also got to size up the extinct animals of New Zealand that roamed this wondrous place not too long ago.

An additional tour was to experience Ko Tane - a Maori cultural performance.  I got to be our chief and made sure to let the Maori Village know that we came in peace by accepting their offering and performing a proper Hongi. 

Girls learning a Poi dance
We all had a wonderful time, and our gals got to give Poi a go, and our guys got to give the haka a go as part of the show (they felt well prepared after our private lessons at the Takahenge Marae - thanks Bret).

Following our tours we had a traditional Hangi dinner and had a chance to thank Colin, Tupelo, Jámm and Meryl for their assistance with the course, and of course, the students for their enthusiasm and sense of adventure for making the course a success! 
Cheers, Mark

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Koha of Native Trees, A Mess of Paint, and Singing the Night Away - August 1st

Planting natives along the Avon River
Today was certainly an eclectic mix of activities.  We started out bright and early with a planting of natives along the Avon River just north of Hagley Park in Christchurch as a Koha (thank you gift) to Colin for his time and help with the course.

Getting on the gear for paintball
After lunch, it was the students' choice to take in an afternoon of paintball.

Singing the night away at the Famous Grouse
After dinner, we went to the Famous Grouse for Karaoke night where we cheered on our willing participants.

Cheers, Mark and Meryl